
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Several people have asked me to post lyrics for the song in the last post.
Here they are:

How long is enough?
The wait seems too long.
I can't seem to swim.
I'm sinking too much

Then a hand reaches out and pulls me up
I didn't see before, He was there all along

Looking back
I can't believe
How far I've come.
It's all from Him.

He was always there I had to look up.
He never let me down, He was there all along.

The wait that seemed so long has been swallowed up.
The fire is now put out and now I shine, I shine forth.

The hand that reaches out for me
Is reaching out for you...

Text and lyrics Copyright Dedra Tregaskis 2013.
No reproduction without written consent allowed.

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